
The Baker's Daughter

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    Susie Lynn was a sweet girl. Everybody knew her. Since the town was so small, there was only one bakery within a few miles of the neighborhood, and Susie was the baker's daughter. If you stopped there, you'd surely see her in the shop, munching on cookies or helping in little ways throughout the kitchen. No matter who you were, little Susie Lynn would flash you a smile and tell you hello. If you were a kid (and her father wasn't looking), sometimes she'd sneak you a cookie.

    As a toddler, Susie was nothing short of adorable. By the time she could speak, she was greeting every patron with a rosy-cheeked "Hi," and tried to learn the names of as many customers as she could. She was a warm presence. No matter what, she loved you; everyone received equal friendliness from sweet little Sue.

    Day by day, Susie Lynn would shout hello at each and every customer through a mouthful of her father's pastries, giggling and telling jokes and making faces. She wanted to make everyone laugh, and that was a feature of Susie that she retained throughout her entire childhood. The baker's daughter was was full of energy, no matter what.

    Growing up, little Susie retained her cuteness, as well as the love of her community. She was always smiling and laughing, trying to make others do the same. A little girl with dirty blonde hair and the cutest grin in the county, her increasing chubbiness throughout her youth only made her appearance cuter in the eyes of the townsfolk. Growing in every sense of the word, Susie was now short and round with big, fat, freckled cheeks and a fluffy tank of tummy padding that seemed to fill up any outfit she wore. Her clothes were always dusted with whatever crumbs her chubby fingers dropped on the way to her lips. It was very amusing for everyone, and everyone loved her all the more for the clumsiness and inelegance that now went along with her warmth and enthusiasm. Every day brought new customers and, in turn, new toothy grins, each of which summoned the second chin out from the depths of her neck. She was a happy, chubby cherub.

    As the years went on, things continued this way. Susie kept helping at the bakery, she kept being sweet and, most thoroughly of all, she kept on eating. Her father's pastries were impeccable. Creamy chocolate eclairs and sweet apple tarts, thick slices of cakes and pies, all the cookies a person could dream of eating always within arm's reach; gradually, little Susie Lynn was becoming very, very big.

    What was once a cute little layer of chub slowly began to overstay its welcome. As a teen, Susie became less and less adorable, heaving her now shockingly heavy body around the kitchen less and less in favor of simply sitting around and gorging herself. It was not cute in the slightest. Now, rather than amusement, Susie Lynn's body inspired concern in the townsfolk who saw her. Some still believed she'd outgrow the extra weight, but it was certainly a bit of a stretch. Her huge, tanky gut still stuck out heavily in front of her, and her fat legs slid heavily past each other as she walked. The older she got, the more elegant her lovely facial features became, and in turn, the more dramatically they contrasted her body. She was a mess. Her dresses, (tailor made for someone so big), were always covered in crumbs, a sight which had gone from silly to slightly gross in the eyes of the customers as Susie had grown older. This trend never really stopped.

    Turning twenty didn't stop Susie from getting fatter. The titanic princess of pastries was now lazy enough not to come in to the store every single day, only coming in once or twice a week. She was enormous. Wild obesity kept her home much of the time, but every once in a while her hunger surpassed her laziness in importance, causing her to waddle into the bakery, sit down in a dangerously undersized chair and eat enough pastries to cause a significant burden on her father's daily profit. Her friendliness endured, but was thrown on the back burner in favor of her gluttony.

    Time continued to pass, and all the people who believed she would ever lose weight were proven horribly wrong: Susie was monstrous as a young adult. As her body continued its rapid outward expansion, Susie Lynn's visits to the store became less and less frequent. Her bottom was enormous now, big enough that she sat across two chairs in the bakery whenever she came, and was unbelievably fluid in consistency. It jiggled endlessly, as did the rest of her ungodly form. Her belly had become a massive reservoir of body fat, and was always smeared with whatever food had clung to her fat, sausagey fingers throughout her decadent binges. At this point, her days were glorified meals. The tailor-made dresses that clung to her sloshing obesity were too expensive for her to have very many in her wardrobe, and were therefore all taking especially large amounts of damage from her lifestyle. If you saw her multiple times, you began to become familiar with each individual stain and tear of her outfits, as their prominence was highlighted through her repeat use of each article of clothing. Her stockings were shredded by the excess pressure of her thick, lumpy thighs, and her shoes squeezed her feet so tightly that she could no longer button them. The backs of her dresses were stretched taught over the canyon creases of her back fat, and her massive breasts showed sugar-dusted cleavage no matter how modestly she tried to dress. She was always, always powdered with crumbs.

    At this point, she was so fat that you could hear it. She was always breathing hard, no matter how sedentary she was at the moment. If she was walking, that constant, rhythmic breath turned into a hearty wheeze. She was chewing more often than not, gorging herself dramatically at every turn. Her mouth being full was a part of her voice by now. You could hear her lips smacking around a piece of food, you could hear her stomach gurgling beneath a league of churning fat, you could hear her thighs swiping past eachother as she waddled about and you could hear her fat rolls slap one another whenever she made a sudden gesture.

    In her youth, she'd been a cutie. As an adult? Big, fat Susie Lynn was anything but.

    It wasn't long before the town simply stopped seeing Susie around. After a certain point, the baker's daughter simply no longer showed up in public, and rumors began to spread like wildfire about her disappearance. She became somewhat of an urban legend among children of the small town. Some said she got too fat to walk and was pinned to her bed by the force of gravity itself, doomed to eat and continue to grow forever. Others said she'd met a man who wanted to make her even fatter, and the two had ran off together so that he could stuff her silly for the rest of her life. Others yet said she'd joined the circus as a fat lady, or that the baker had been fattening her up to eat her the whole time, or even that she'd simply gotten too fat to go on living and had bitten the dust far too young--a rather cruel thought indeed. However, this was all hogwash. Any reasonable person already knew that. The only one of these stories that had any iota of credibility to it was the first one; she had already been close to the point of immobility, and assuming she'd reached it was not an unsafe bet. Legend has it that she's still in her room upstairs at the baker's house, stuffing her gullet with pastries, slowly overflowing her king-sized bed with an ocean of buttery fat. Some even say that if you watch the bakery at closing time, you can see her father packing away an enormous banquet of goodies to bring home to his whale of a daughter, a bounty of food that could feed a whole village and which increases in size as the years go by. 

    Whatever happened, one thing was for sure: little Susie Lynn was never seen at that bakery again.
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CabbageButtFace's avatar

never seen again. . .until she becomes too heavy for the second floor that is